
Fire ammonite bait
Fire ammonite bait

fire ammonite bait

The pass itself can be found around (37, 77), and the pools are visible ahead of you as soon as you enter Frostfire Ridge. You'll be getting around 5/min if you're efficient and should onl.

#Fire ammonite bait full#

The easiest way to get there is via the Gorgrond Pass, best reachable either by climbing the hill north of 巴肖克, or by turning west from the main road just south of Beastwatch, you have to run through a small town full of goren mobs (Deadgrin), but once you're through it's clear. This is my favorite Fire Ammonite Farming Spot to get the achievement Fire Ammonite Angler. El's Extreme Anglin' suggests The Bones of Agurak as a good fishing spot for Alliance players, being just inside the zone, and having tried it, I agree. I got the Fire Ammonite Bait on my first cast in the Garrison fishing water, and got all the Ammonite I needed to finish the quest before it ran out. Blackwater Hokis: Talador Fire Ammonites: Frostfire Ridge.

fire ammonite bait

评论来自 BalgairAs Alliance this quest can be a little awkward if you've never been to Frostfire Ridge (the Horde starter zone). These can be caught in the Alliance Garrison. Grants a chance to catch a unique fish that can be used to lure mysterious creatures to the.

Fire ammonite bait